Essential Cleanse

THE TWO IN ONE HERBAL MIX! Use for targeted deworming or use for a longer detox & cleanse!

One bag will last the average 1,000lb. and over horse 2 total targeted deworming sessions, a total of 10 days. (A deworming regimen lasts 5 days at the targeted dosing) If used for the Detox dosing, it will last approximately 30 days. Obviously the bag will last longer if your horse weighs less than this – you do the math!

I’ve specifically combined 7 herbs that target the removal of parasites from the body. Not only are these herbs anti-parasitic, but they also aid in detoxing as well many other bodily functions. Best results will be seen when used in conjunction with a clean and simple diet that I outline for my own horses focused on variety and gut health.

This is a blend that you will be able to use monthly (for 5 days), every other month, quarterly or as needed. It will be very flexible for owners that want to use by itself or in alternation with their current deworming protocol, limiting the amount of toxins their horse is consuming. Natural deworming works really well when combined with a diet focused on gut health and immune boosting.

*** NOTE ***

Horses (and us) will always have a worm count. It will never be 0. Worms are there to do their job, which is absorb heavy metals and toxins in the body. Essentially, they are attracted to the toxin laden and low immune system horse. You can paste or herbal deworm all day long but until the body is boosted and the gut is healed, only then will the body be able to better flush, naturally regulate and be unattractive to parasites. Those who don’t understand this will continue to regularly paste but never seem to get rid of the worm issue, which is not truly the root issue. There are MANY resources out there with a quick google search that will give you insight to this topic of plant/parasite!


My Mom had great success using herbs in deworming her horse and so have I with mine. A couple years ago, her horse Cocoa had a fecal count of 700 eggs per gram roundworm, which is pretty high. After a month of herbs targeted for worms and then the follow up of herbs for the immune system, her fecal count was reduced to 70 eggs per gram. Within the normal limits. The vet was quite surprised/angry that we didn’t use chemical paste and that the herbs worked. Cocoa was happy – so were we! We were focusing on gut health to eliminate EMS and metabolic symptoms with her and didn’t want to add stress and toxins that come with traditional deworming protocols.


Can owners take this too? YES!

Listed are some of the most common uses for each herb. As always, owners should conduct personal research on herbs in making choices for themselves and their pets. There’s a lot of information out there! Information on herbs is endless, as always you should conduct your own research. I update my site as often as I can.  As with all herbs, please confirm if it is safe for pregnant or lactating mares before use.

 Herbs have been used for centuries for the expelling and killing of parasites naturally. They are called vermifuge herbs (expel parasites from body) and vermicide herbs (that kill parasites in the body). It takes a simple google search to show you the variety of herbs that can be used as well as the studies and resources on them.




Fennel: For expelling hookworms. Also used to relieve gas and aid in appetite stimulation, relieving colic, indigestion and IBS. Inflammation reducing. Relieving to stiff joints caused by arthritits. Expectorant for coughs and colds. In latin America the seeds are used to increase flow of breastmilk. Aids the body in detox. No significant side effects have been reported. Pregnant or lactating women should avoid in large quantities due to no clear information regarding its estrogen like activity.


Anise: Aids in expelling roundworms and pinworms. Helps reduce candida overload. Used as an expectorant of phlegm in coughs and colds. Promotes digestion, relieves gas, nausea and abdominal pain. May reduce symptoms of menopause and women have taken to stimulate milk production. Aids the body in detox.


Wormwood: Antioxidant. Used to eliminate pinworms, roundworms and tapeworms. Traditionally used to fight worm infestations, improve digestion and stimulate menstruation. Improving digestive problems such as loss of appetite, upset stomach and intestinal spasms. To stimulate sweating, reduce fever, relieve muscle pain, gall bladder disease, liver disease and depression.


**wormwood will be substituted for Yellowdock in cases where wormwood is unavailable**


Yellowdock: Reduces pain, swelling, inflammation of the nasal passages. Used as a laxative and a tonic. Used to treat bacterial infections, intestinal infections, fungal infections and arthritis. Eases digestion and improves liver function. Good source of vitamins and minerals. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.



Turmeric: Found in many parasite removal formulas as it aids in producing liver bile which parasites can inhibit. Strong antioxidant that protects against free radical damage. Anti inflammatory. Pain reliever. Liver protector and improving function. Improves circulation. Contains curcumin which has been shown to be cancer preventing. Aids in digestion. Antifungal. Antibacterial. No adverse side effects or reactions have been reported. Persons with gallstone symptoms should avoid turmeric. Due to the blood thinning nature of this herb, use caution if consuming large quantities regularly.


Milk Thistle: Regenerates injured liver cells, may protect cells by blocking entrance of harmful toxins and removing them. Has antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Promotes breast milk production. Has been used to treat cancer, lower blood sugar for diabetes and help acne. Most often used for liver conditions, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis the herb is believed some to prevent or treat high cholesterol, diabetes, heartburn, upset stomach (dyspepsia), hangover, gallbladder problems, menstrual pain, depression, and even certain types of cancer. (detox and deworming go hand in hand!!)



Neem: In ancient healing, neem is used for treating diabetes, ulcers, asthma, constipation, cough, urinary tract infection, gum disease and other illnesses. Believed to be an immune booster and protect against heart and liver disease. Anti-inflammatory. Known in Sanskrit as “the curer of all ailments”. Today, a common ingredient in skin and hair products. It’s anti-inflammatory and antiseptic compounds make it an excellent toothpaste and mouth wash. Therefore, it is used in dental products. Topically used to treat warts, ringworm, athletes foot and psoriasis. Used as a natural insecticide. Neem has been highly successfully against harmful fungi, parasites, and viruses. Although it can destroy these, it does not kill off beneficial intestinal flora nor produce adverse side effects.


Diatomaceous Earth with Calcium Bentonite Clay: You have probably eaten DE in your flours or wheat and just didn’t know it. Some sources call this the “miracle mineral”. Silica in diet’s today has been significantly reduced by fertilizers, pesticides and hybrid foods. DE is high in silica and therefore can improve the health of skin, hair, nails, joints, immune system. Aids in treating constipation & parasite removal as bugs cannot build an immunity to it. Adds to the shelf life of this mix as well.


Calcium Bentonite Clay: Immune boosting by pulling heavy metals out of the body aiding in the detox process. May help gut absorb more nutrients by increasing intestine flora. May help relive digestive problems such as constipation, IBS and nausea. Aiding the liver “Produced in certain molds, we are all susceptible to ingesting aflatoxins in processed foods. Due to the use of ingredients where the aflatoxins grow. In high enough quantities, aflatoxins can damage your liver. Fortunately, bentonite clay actually binds to aflatoxins and expels them from your liver and body.”


A proprietary blend of herbs formulated for

preventative maintenance & cleansing of intestinal parasites,

immune boosting & detoxing


 Powdered Ingredients:

Fennel, Anise, Turmeric, Milk Thistle, Neem, Wormwood OR Yellowdock, Diatomaceous Earth

Directions for use:

Pre – soak pellets or feed in water. Add mix.

Stop other herb mixes while using this mix for targeted deworming.

Can be used in conjunction with Lunar cycle.

Do not use at the same time as traditional de-wormers.

For targeted deworming:

Adult Horse 1,000 lb. & over, 3 Tbs. daily for 5 days

Adult Horse 500 lb. – 999 lb. 2 Tbs. daily for 5 days

Adult Horse 500 lb. & under, 1 Tbs. daily for 5 days


For Detox & Immune Boosting:

Recommended twice per day, double dose to feed once/day

Adult Horse 1000lb & over, 1 Tablespoon

Adult Horse 500-1,000lb, ½ – 1 Tablespoon

Adult Horse 400lb & under, 1-2 Teaspoons

By purchasing products through this website you agree that Essential Equine Therapies will not be held liable for any adverse reactions or situations your pets may have or experience due to allergies or medical conditions, whether diagnosed, known or unknown as a result of using herbs or essential oils. Information on Oils & Herbs are always being studied and learned. Customers should always conduct personal studies and research of their own to make informed choices.

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